1-833-216-0130 letschat@realstrategy.com


Real Strategy Advisors is pleased to provide you with free whitepaper resources to help empower your work and office space decisions. Download our printer-friendly whitepaper PDFs below!
Talent Retention in the Modern Office



Talent Retention in the Modern Office: Perspective on GCWorkplace

The perspective of many people especially in Ottawa is formed by Government either directly or indirectly. Ottawa’s largest employer is making changes to how it houses their employees and it affects everyone at large. Many employers have to match this minimum workplace standard created by the government. Quality of workplace is measured by many in comparison with GCWorkplace. Why is Ottawa’s largest employer changing the way they work? For too long the idea of a modern workplace has carried a negative, even scary, connotation. Many people think of government being behind, in this case they’re leading. The Canadian Government has many of the challenges associated with big companies and are still paving the road to workplace innovation.

Download our printer-friendly whitepaper PDF file: Click Here

Happiness in the Workplace


Happiness in the Office: Keys to Successful Workplace Change

In writing this paper I picked a topic that would focus on the human aspect of making a change in an office rather than, as is more typically the case, focusing on the functional requirements and cost-benefit analysis of a proposed change. Over the course of close to 20 years in commercial real estate, I’ve come to believe that the war for talent has ramped up in every sector to the point that, notwithstanding whether we are a public, private or not-for-profit organization, we can no longer use the same cost-driven modes and decision-making models to make recommendations on space allocation and creating workplace environments.

Download our printer-friendly whitepaper PDF file: Click Here

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