1-833-216-0130 letschat@realstrategy.com

Please click here to read Part 1: https://realstrategy.com/gcworkplace-introduction-workpoints-part-1/

The autonomous profile fits those who thrive on focused, independent and self-driven work and therefore requires more individual seats. The most common tasks which require focus and privacy, such as reading, heavy computing, and creative thinking, are generally completed in primary individual workpoints. Visual and acoustic shields are created using optional low dividing panels, as well as semi-enclosed furniture. Typically, more privacy equals a better environment for highly focused work. Activities that may occur for shorter periods throughout the day and contribute to the health/well-being of employees are completed in secondary individual workpoints.


Primary individual open workpoints include:

Image from GCWorkplace Design Guide: Transforming the Workplace Experience


Primary individual enclosed workpoints include:

Image from GCWorkplace Design Guide: Transforming the Workplace Experience


Secondary individual workpoints include:

Image from GCWorkplace Design Guide: Transforming the Workplace Experience

Please click here to read Part 3: https://realstrategy.com/gcworkplace-introduction-workpoints-part-3