1-833-216-0130 letschat@realstrategy.com

Please click here to read Part 3: https://realstrategy.com/gcworkplace-introduction-workpoints-part-3

In addition to understanding the ratio of requirements for autonomous, interactive or balanced activity profiles, there is an additional set of support/special purpose spaces necessary for any team. Kitchenettes, equipment areas, telecommunications rooms, lockers and shared storage are just as important as workstations and chat points for the success of your office. Productivity and employee health/wellness all benefit from these auxiliary spaces.

Support/special purpose spaces include:

  • Kitchenette: Kitchen millwork and appliances only – to be combined with a lounge for seating
  • Equipment: Business centre and printers
  • Lockers: Individual storage lockers in centralized areas
  • Fitness Centre & Bicycle Storage: Designated areas to support active lifestyles
  • Shared Storage: Open or enclosed space for shared resources or coat storage
  • Telecommunications Room: Enclosed room for telecommunications systems to be accessible from outside secure zone off the elevator lobby