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In this chapter of our blog series “Talent Retention in the Modern Office: Perspective on GCWorkplace” Real Strategy Advisors explain the importance of “Workpoints” in the planning of your modern office. A workpoint can be anything from a desk to a meeting room or even a kitchen/lounge. It’s any place where work happens.

Previously we investigated Activity Profiles and how the modern workplace can be broken down into three primary models; autonomous, balanced and interactive, depending on your organization. People that thrive on focused, independent and self-driven work fall into the autonomous profile, whereas those who rely on frequent or exclusive collaboration fall into the interactive profile, with those that are in between requiring a balanced profile.

As you can imagine, the type of profile that best describes your people will determine what type of physical environments or workpoints you will require in your space. We’re going to break down workpoints into three categories; individual, collaborative and support/special purpose.

Please click here to read Part 2: https://realstrategy.com/gcworkplace-introduction-workpoints-part-2